Men who love Jesus love to see other men discipled, engaging their local community, serving in the local church, discipling their families, and subduing the earth through business and work. This is authentic masculinity.

Men participating in Authentic Masculinity Program (AMP) cohorts in Uganda and Ethiopia experience what the Bible says about being an image bearer, worker, provider, protector, husband, father, and more. The impact? Here’s what AMP families are saying:

We've been married 20 years, and this is the first time my husband told me he loves me.  He shows me too!  He now has a job and helps provide for our family and is even helping people in need in our community. 

-Wife of AMP program participant

In addition to discipleship opportunities, men are also provided small business coaching and the opportunity to earn financial capital to start or enhance an existing business. Some men form partnerships within the program in order to increase both their purchasing power and accountability around loan repayment.