It’s been two years since we launched our domestic Authentic Masculinity Program aimed at coaching and mentoring young men impacted by fatherlessness. 

Statistics show that a young man who ages out of foster care will cost taxpayers over $300,000 in social programs over the course of his lifetime. Our goal is to reduce that trend by engaging these young men with Coaches who often provide the only meaningful, stable relationship they have. ​

This past year we worked with over 40 young men, placing an emphasis in helping them establish stability in five major areas: 

  • Housing 

  • Behavior not leading to incarceration

  • Employment and/or education

  • Mental Health

  • Substance abuse 

We are thrilled to report that we have saved taxpayers over 2.1 million dollars in costs avoided by building relationships with these young men, coaching them in the areas above, modeling healthy masculinity, and connecting them to resources. 

More importantly, we have been able to share the hope of the Gospel with many of these young men who invite us into their lives. 

One of the young men that we serve has his own family. He is a father of 3 children and was struggling to gain employment. With hard work and determination, he secured a steady employment opportunity, giving him a sense of purpose and financial independence.The progress this young man has made is a testament to the transformative power of mentorship and the commitment each of our coaches has shown to his well-being. The dedication has empowered him to break free from the cycle of homelessness, substance abuse, and incarceration, and has opened doors to a future filled with possibilities.

You may be asking how you can help? If you currently live in the greater Tampa Bay or SW Missouri areas, then check out our Man Up 100 cohorts. They are a great way to fight for the fatherless in your area. These cohorts are made up of men who give of their time, talents and treasure, in order to impact the families we serve.

Man Up 100

If you live somewhere else, we have an exciting digital resource that will be available this Fall called Patros. In the original greek, Patros meant fathers or those who pass down legacy. Our Patros video-based tool will provide churches with the resources needed for training their men to live out their biblical masculinity by fighting for the fatherless. You will get to listen to influential men of God as they walk through different aspects of being a Patros. To ensure Patros is utilized by your church, please contact our CEO, Jeff Ford, via email:

Finally, all of this takes your financial support. You can give to Patros by going here:

Give to Patros

Thank you again for your faithfulness!

​-The Man Up Team​​


